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It is possible to run ExamSys on Windows using IIS


  1. You must have the World Wide Web Services and Web Management Tools enabled via Windows features

  2. Install PHP manager

  3. Download any versions of PHP you wish to test with

  4. Install MySQL

  5. Have a local ExamSys git repository with the develop branch checked out

  6. Use PHP Manager to select the versions of PHP you wish to use.

Setup web server

  1. Open the Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager tool

  2. Right click on the Default Web Site and select Add Virtual Directory

  3. Enter an alias (for example examsys) and set the physical path to be the directory your local ExamSys repository

  4. In the Default Web Site click on the Bindingsā€¦ action and add a http port on 8001 (you can then use that port to run behat tests)

  5. Select the ExamSys directory that will not be showing up and open the PHP Manager

  6. Ensure that the version of PHP you need for ExamSys is selected

  7. Configure error reporting to be Development machine

  8. Ensure that the extensions that ExamSys requires are enabled


Download and install xdebug for the version of PHP you are using.
