Name | Required fields | Optional fields |
users | username | surname, first_names, title, email, roles, gender, special_needs, yearofstudy, user_deleted, password_expire, grade, initials, password |
questions | user, type + question type specific requirements | are question type specific from the following list: theme, leadin, notes, display_method, ownerID, q_media_id, q_media, q_media_width, q_media_height, q_media_alt, q_media_owner, q_media_num, creation_date, last_edited, bloom, scenario, scenario_plain, leadin_plain, checkout_time, checkout_authorID, deleted, locked, std, status, q_option_order, score_method, settings, quid, keywords, options |
modules | moduleid, fullname | active, schoolid, vle_api, sms_api, selfEnroll, peer, external, stdset, mapping, neg_marking, ebel_grid_template, sms_import, timed_exams, exam_q_feedback, add_team_members, map_level, academic_year_start, externalID |
module team members | moduleid, username | not applicable |
module keywords | moduleid | keyword |
papers | papertitle, papertype, paperowner, modulename | startdate, enddate, labs, duration, session, timezone, externalid, externalsys, calendaryear, remote, password |
Where data is expected as an error in a data generator or step we pass this in the feature file as a json string i.e.
Code Block |
Scenario: Create a true_false question
Given I login as "teacher"
And I follow "TEST1001"
And I select a "true_false" question type
And The upload source path is "questions/media"
And I create a new "true_false" question:
| theme | textbox theme |
| notes | textbox notes |
| scenario | textbox scenario |
| leadin | textbox leadin |
| true | 0 |
| file | {"filename":"frog.jpg","alt":"alternate text"} |
When I click "Add to Bank" "button"
Then I should see "Module: TEST1001" "paper_title" |