It is possible to run Rogo ExamSys on Windows using IIS
You must have the World Wide Web Services and Web Management Tools enabled via Windows features
It is recommended you have the Microsoft Web Platform Installer
Download any versions of PHP you wish to test with
Install MySQL
Have a local Rogo ExamSys git repository with the develop branch checked out
Using the Web platform installer install the following:
PHP (Any versions you wish you wish to test Rogo with)Use PHP Manager to select the versions of PHP you wish to use.
Setup web server
Open the Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager tool
Right click on the Default Web Site and select Add Virtual Directory
Enter an alias (for example rogoexamsys) and set the physical path to be the directory your local Rogo ExamSys repository
In the Default Web Site click on the Bindingsā¦ action and add a http port on 8001 (you can then use that port to run behat tests)
Select the rogo ExamSys directory that will not be showing up and open the PHP Manager
Ensure that the version of PHP you need for Rogo ExamSys is selected
Configure error reporting to be Development machine
Ensure that the extensions that Rogo ExamSys requires are enabled
It is recommended to use a manager for npm such as nvm for Windows after you have installed it run the following set of commands:
Code Block |
nvm install 6.1417.150 nvm use 6.1417.150 |
You should replace the version numbers above with what ever the most current supported version of npm is for RogoExamSys
Download the latest version of composer into the root directory of RogoExamSys.
Before you can install Rogo ExamSys you will need to run several things to ensure all the dependencies are downloaded.
The following can be used to create a batch script to do it (you will want to run this every time you pull new updates into RogoExamSys)
Code Block | ||
| ||
@echo off echo Setting up development environment... echo RogoExamSys NPM: call npm install echo RogoExamSys composer: call php composer.phar install echo Tiny MCE: cd plugins/texteditor/plugin_tinymce_texteditor call npm install cd ../../.. echo Grunt: call grunt echo RogoExamSys development setup complete. |
You will now be able to follow the normal Rogo ExamSys installation procedure (assuming you used the suggested virtual directory) by going to http://localhost/rogoexamsys/install, or you can use the command line installer