LTI Launching

To enable LTI capability the authentication array in /config/ must be set:

$authentication = array(
  array('ltilogin', array(), 'LTI Auth'),

Configurarion of the LTI integration is possible via the configuration screen.

Steps taken when LTI launch is detected:

  1. Is LTI valid?
  2. Does oauth_consumer_key match?
  3. Does secret match?
  4. Does context match?
  5. If student:
    1. If there is no resource configured (i.e. link to paper) then exit.
    2. If module is self-enrol and student not on it then add them to the module.
    3. Redirect student to the paper.
  6. If staff (instructor):
    1. Do we have a valid resource?
      1. If member of staff is not on the module and registration is allowed add them to the module.
      2. If member of staff is not on the module and registration is not allowed then exit.
      3. Redirect staff to the paper.
    2. Present list of papers for staff to link to the LTI link. (Students will not be able to use the LTI link until this step is complete).

Marks return

Marks are returned to LTI consumer tool in the display_summary() function within /include/ Function that is called to send the grade is send_grade($grade).

Paper Types

The following paper types are supported via an LTI integration:

  1. Formative
  2. Progressive
  3. Survey
  4. OSCE

Database Tables

lti_contextHolds the link information between lti context and the Rogo course.
lti_keysHolds the LTI keys information.
lti_resourceHolds the link information between lti resourse and the Rogo paper.
lti_userLTI Holds the link information between the LTI user and the Rogo user ID.