Random Question
This space is archived
For current information please use the current ExamSys documentation
Random Question
A 'container' which allows for a random question to be selected at run-time.
In formative self-assessments it is useful in some situations to randomise which questions are presented to students each time they go in.
- This question is randomising within pre-defined question blocks. It is not randomising the presentation of questions on a paper.
- They should not be used on summative exams.
- Calculation questions are not supported in random question blocks (They will be from 6.0.3)
Fit Criterion
- At run-time a question is selected at random from the pre-defined block of questions.
- It is possible to use the same random question block ID multiple times on the same screen.
- The system knows which 'child' questions have been previously picked and will seek to choose another unique question at random for identical random questions further down the page.
- When a question is selected by the system all the standard 'rules' of this question type then apply.
- Once a random question has been selected at runtime for a particular question is must not change when going between screens.
- Marking should follow the 'rules' of the selected 'child' question.
- Feedback should follow the 'rules' of the selected 'child' question.
Limited Save
- Not possible as random questions should not be used in summative exams.
Standard Setting
- Not possible
Data Format
Correct Answer
- Stored in whatever way the 'source' question type stores in.
Student Answer
- Stored in whatever way the 'source' question type stores in.