UI Elements

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For current information please use the current ExamSys documentation

UI Elements

Work in progress

When writing feature files for behat tests we want to refer to UI elements by a common/generic name i.e. not theme specific


Then I should see "Paper Tasks" "menu_section"
When I follow "Import/Export" "menu_item" I should see "sub_menu_item"
|"Export as QTI 1.2 format"|
|"Export as Rogō Assessment format"|
Then I follow "main_menu"
When I follow "Sign Out" "main_menu_item"
I should be logged out


navigationBreadcrumb navigation linkHome > Module Page > Paper Type Page
page_titleTitle of pagePaper Title
contentThe data we are manipulatingList of Screens and Questions in a Paper
main_menuContainer that hold system level actions-
main_menu_itemSystem level actionSign Out
menuContainer that holds actions that can be applied to the content-


Container that Content level actionsPaper Tasks
menu_itemContent level actionImport/Export
sub_menuContainer that sub menu level actions-
sub_menu_itemContent level sub-actionExport as QTI 1.2 Format

Example in current theme:


question_typethe question type link in the add question window launched form the module pagetrue_false
paper_question_leadinthe question leadin in the paper details pagesome leadin text
bank_question_leadinthe question leadin in the question bank popupsome leadin text

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