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3. Database Setup
ROGO 7.0.0
Below is a guide on how to install a database for the latest version of Rogō.
If you have a MySQL expert or database administrator you are recommended to contact them for advice first.
MySQL is currently the only supported database. Please let us know if you do successfully run Rogō on a non MySQL database.
See the community release notes for the version of rogo you are installing to see the required MySQL version.
The basic default installation config should work for small instances. The my-large.cnf should be suitable for most large instancees.
Consult your DBA and review the MySQL documentation before making any configuration changes.
Make sure the setting default-storage-engine in my.ini is same as the DB engine for Rogo database. If rogo DB is set to innoDB, change it in my.ini to innoDB.
The following non default settings may needed to fine tune MySQL for Rogō:
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