Community Release Notes - 7.2.0
Community Release Notes - 7.2.0
Due to the covid pandemic release 7.1 has been bundled into 7.2
Rogo 6.5+ is a pre-requisite
Apache | 2.4 |
PHP | 7.3 |
MySQL | 5.7 |
- [ROGO-2881] - Staff members cannot reset break timer when they reset the paper timer via class totals report
- [ROGO-2903] - add screen break clicakable when paper locked
- [ROGO-2904] - survey reports invalid links
- [ROGO-2909] - Archive script not working correctly
- [ROGO-2912] - In the Calculation question editor, when clicking the 'Add more answers' button, it instead adds a new variable
- [ROGO-2919] - WYSIWYG editor is not loading on student exam script if last editor is set to be plain text
- [ROGO-2930] - class totals new year auto test failure
- [ROGO-2931] - Modules not opening after upgrade to 7.2.2
- [ROGO-2935] - Unable to add student notes
- [ROGO-2885] - Warning being thrown on reveiws/start.php since 7.2 release
- [ROGO-2896] - Staff users should not be able to change remote summative checkbox when summative management is enabled
- [ROGO-2906] - Question/Paper search owner list broken for staff users
- [ROGO-2907] - Trying to mark text box answers just presents a blank screen
- [ROGO-2908] - Cannot copy from locked questions in question bank/search
- [ROGO-2826] - Can create a multi-day exam whether the summative_remote config option is set or not
- [ROGO-2840] - announcements are not formatted correctly
- [ROGO-2841] - Extended matching question errorenously displaying incorrect display warning on paper details page
- [ROGO-2859] - Behat failures in paper setup tests
- [ROGO-2860] - Notice when creating a Progress test
- [ROGO-2864] - Behat failure when generating questions in one test
- [ROGO-2871] - Colour picker for Heading/Theme Colour accessibility option does not work
- [ROGO-2874] - ndb cluster poor performance on queries with EXISTs
- [ROGO-2877] - import of audio files via raf/qti not working
- [ROGO-2878] - Syntax illustration for Import Module Enrolments is incorrect
- [ROGO-2884] - Error being thrown by paper/copy.php since 7.2 release
- [ROGO-2887] - Not all staff should have to set availability
- [ROGO-2894] - campus sync trying to create invalid role
- [ROGO-2898] - Attempt to change any properties of a progress test paper fails (post locking)
- [ROGO-2837] - sync modules from sms based on module year start
Bug Fixes
- [ROGO-2710] - when failed to create a paper then redirect to paper's details page and show GET error.
- [ROGO-2726] - Inefficient SQL in learning objective retrieval loop causes high CPU load
- [ROGO-2729] - Missing HTML entity encoding on hotspot question data
- [ROGO-2731] - Class total does not show percentage
- [ROGO-2758] - /admin/users_from_SMS.php fails if forname begins with unicode character
- [ROGO-2762] - If user role does not have access to exams they should be redirect to their homepage
- [ROGO-2765] - Redirection to install page is broken
- [ROGO-2766] - Icon on secure connection page is broken
- [ROGO-2768] - Rogo can break in a supported language is not installed
- [ROGO-2771] - Redirect loops can happen when Rogo is in a sub directory
- [ROGO-2773] - Missing Javascript on paper/start when Rogo in sub directory
- [ROGO-2774] - Login page has missing javascript when accessed via /index.php and installed in a sub directory
- [ROGO-2777] - Some reports not well localised
- [ROGO-2779] - Behat fails in Chrome 81
- [ROGO-2780] - Behat sets cfg_root_path incorrectly
- [ROGO-2781] - codesniffer failing
- [ROGO-2783] - Invigilation screen timestamp logic
- [ROGO-2786] - Tinymce editor not loading on reference material edit screen
- [ROGO-2787] - Remote Summative Exams not included in statistics
- [ROGO-2788] - Fill in the blank set to Blank Textboxes not displaying blank if correct answer is 0
- [ROGO-2791] - Admin footer did not load scripts correctly when Rogo installed in sub directory
- [ROGO-2797] - Incorrect assumptions about database timezone in Unit tests.
- [ROGO-2801] - Unrequired calls to objective mapping system
- [ROGO-2804] - Unit tests trying to create same year twice from July until December
- [ROGO-2805] - Default mysql port is commonly used throughout the code instead of configure port.
- [ROGO-2811] - Duplicate element id in frequency discrimination report
- [ROGO-2819] - upgrade sciprt not working for 7.2
- [ROGO-2821] - Unable to Edit properties of a Paper as admin users
- [ROGO-2822] - 3d objects misaligned in exam
- [ROGO-2827] - cannot change colours in students accessiblity panel if they have not accessed rogo before
- [ROGO-2831] - 2021 not available in list of years when changing available from
- [ROGO-2834] - Invitation emails are denied
- [ROGO-2835] - Apache auth createnewuserassociation compares uninitialised variable
- [ROGO-2850] - Possible race condition on auto-save answers before auto-finishing paper
New Feature
- [ROGO-2651] - Add ability to copy standards setting to be copied when duplicating a paper
- [ROGO-2672] - Enable images in feedback
- [ROGO-2673] - Allow videos in questions
- [ROGO-2776] - Allow a dump page on behat failures
- [ROGO-2832] - Safe Exam Browser integration
- [ROGO-2574] - Fix SQL on frequency_discrimination_analysis.php to use variable instead of hardcoded values
- [ROGO-2576] - Option to show scenario only once for a series of textbox questions with same scenario
- [ROGO-2623] - PHP coding standards
- [ROGO-2720] - MYSQL 8 Compatiblity
- [ROGO-2763] - user index screen performance improvement
- [ROGO-2767] - Remote Summative Exams
- [ROGO-2803] - class totals report performance
- [ROGO-2806] - class totals report check coding standards
- [ROGO-2807] - mysql innodb cluster compatibility
Bug Fixes
- [ROGO-1907] - Rogo- Print Hardcopy version - 'Page-break' per question function not working
- [ROGO-2048] - Unable to delete a test Campus - it appears to have no labs attached to it.
- [ROGO-2401] - $deadline not localized in external_email_msg.php
- [ROGO-2408] - fatal error on install screen if database already exists
- [ROGO-2420] - Extended Matching question reports not answered when question is tested
- [ROGO-2469] - Keyword edit with non alpha character
- [ROGO-2494] - Linked calculation questions cause notice on Objectives Mapping screen
- [ROGO-2504] - inability to add a keyword to a locked question
- [ROGO-2513] - Extra time field in Accessibility setting not saving
- [ROGO-2517] - Paper title warning message issue
- [ROGO-2540] - Blank screen on install if support email address left blank
- [ROGO-2549] - Fatal error when using alternative LDAP login
- [ROGO-2553] - Trying to create a username with an underscore - user does not create, no error/warning returned
- [ROGO-2598] - duplicate scenarios in calc questions when printed
- [ROGO-2608] - Class Totals export when using Chrome displays page not working
- [ROGO-2618] - Incorrect paths generated for emails
- [ROGO-2620] - Page not found when user clicks on Re-assign to User... in Class Totals
- [ROGO-2627] - OSCE papers will not import overall classification when set to Pass | Fail
- [ROGO-2634] - MathsUtils::percentile function returns and empty stirng when it should return a float
- [ROGO-2635] - Matrix correction throwing php error
- [ROGO-2641] - If api not enabled the non routeable paths should display page not found
- [ROGO-2642] - calculation remarking throwing php warning
- [ROGO-2643] - Question edit screen throwing php warning
- [ROGO-2646] - Help pages internal consistency test
- [ROGO-2659] - Question preview sends many requests per second to server
- [ROGO-2663] - it is not possible to set a standard setting for MCQ if horizontal display mode selected
- [ROGO-2664] - standard setting misaligned for caluclation question type
- [ROGO-2669] - Random block not rendering correctly
- [ROGO-2678] - Extended matching questions produce invalid tables in reviews
- [ROGO-2679] - Extended matching questions have unlocalised string during standards setting
- [ROGO-2703] - Question elimination does not show strike through on second option
- [ROGO-2715] - Mathjax not recognising tinymce mee tex on paper details screen
- [ROGO-2719] - Missing tranlsation files for texteditor
- [ROGO-2754] - Slim Application Error at /api/
- [ROGO-2756] - CTP - Extended matching questions produce invalid tables in reviews - KK060320
New Feature
- [ROGO-2554] - HTML5 hotspot question code implementation
- [ROGO-2558] - Implementation of default editor for textbox questions
- [ROGO-2609] - Add ability to search feedback fields on question search
- [ROGO-2628] - Add ability to print hardcopies of papers without notes
- [ROGO-642] - Student cohort of paper list
- [ROGO-2313] - Advanced re-factoring
- [ROGO-2477] - RQB showing variable number of marks warning - messes up question display in test and preview
- [ROGO-2541] - Warn user on installation if we cannot connect to the database to check its version
- [ROGO-2560] - Add retry link for maintenance mode
- [ROGO-2562] - Improve paper editing when multiple papers open in tabs
- [ROGO-2563] - Add ability to add lines to end of config file and clean up closing PHP tags
- [ROGO-2567] - Add ability to search for questions by ID
- [ROGO-2570] - Improved finalise mark screen for textboxes
- [ROGO-2571] - Add an Edit Question link to the paper review process
- [ROGO-2572] - Prevent page breaks in the middle of questions on printing
- [ROGO-2573] - Allow search of questions with/without correct answers
- [ROGO-2577] - Display unanswered question count on Frequency and Distribution report
- [ROGO-2596] - Twig upgrade: Twig deprecated calls in use
- [ROGO-2599] - Textbox student responses not highlighting matching text
- [ROGO-2604] - Add ability to create papers via the UI in Behat
- [ROGO-2613] - Summative exam process improvements
- [ROGO-2614] - Archiving old data
- [ROGO-2615] - Run SMS enrolment feed for previous years
- [ROGO-2621] - replace dbunit within automated tests
- [ROGO-2654] - Upgrade Slim API to version 4
- [ROGO-2680] - Extended matching questions should not use silly loops in the frequency and analysis code
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