Community Release Notes - 7.4.0

Community Release Notes - 7.4.0

Rogo 7.2+ is a pre-requisite


PHP7.4 (x64) - 32bit php is no longer supported. PHP 8 is not supported



ROGO-3197 and ROGO-3218 Fixes for adding and editing computers in labs

ROGO-3199 Fixes for progressing through an exam if Javascript has not loaded. In this case the Previous button would also move the exam forwards.

ROGO-3209 Fixed an issue with listing exams to users where they only had access to a single password protected exam that was not a remote summative



ROGO-3201 Fix array_merge warning on paper start page

ROGO-3161 Stop 404 errors when students press Finish in papers

ROGO-3185 Do not delete extra time settings when users customise their accessibility settings

ROGO-3171 Fix alignment of options in Dichotomous questions



ROGO-3160 TinyMCE rich text editor incorrectly in use on SEB config key entry field

ROGO-3154 the questions cannot display correct



ROGO-3155 Internet Explorer does not support css vars

ROGO-3142 HTML displayed as text on Paper start screen

ROGO-3135 warning thrown on exam feedback screen



ROGO-3102 Creation of MCQ question throws Undefined error while using Chrome

ROGO-3093 quick view preview not rendering questions correctly

ROGO-3089 ims class throwing warning message (if debug enabled)

ROGO-3083 InvalidArgumentException in url.class.php because FILTER_VALIDATE_URL can't handle non-Ascii characters

ROGO-3081 OSCE class totals report does not link to marksheet correctly when Rogo is in a sub directory

ROGO-3079 Class totals unit test fails during parts of the year

ROGO-3069 Break time not being saved

ROGO-3063 Notice of invigilator page when there are no scheduled exams

ROGO-3049 archive script leaving orphaned metadata

ROGO-3048 NLE errors chocking up system error report

ROGO-2954 Frequency and discrimination report formatted incorrectly for MCQs

ROGO-2952 Patch to stop Excel mangling UTF-8 Export Responses CSV

ROGO-2855 Frequency and discrimination report update file missing SQL

ROGO-2630 Plain text fields on questions not being sanitised for non-printable characters


ROGO-3099 ensure php error notices are displaye in behat runs

ROGO-3078 Whitespace fix for include/reports_submenu.inc

ROGO-3077 Update for ROGO-2810 - remove trailing .0s in marks

ROGO-3061 Make submissions to remote summative exams that are over the allocated time go to the late log

ROGO-3057 PHP 7.4 support

ROGO-3039 Upgrade to latest version of tinymce

ROGO-3036 login screen garbled in IE

ROGO-3011 refactor paper accessbility css generatation

ROGO-3000 Add langauge packs for the rogo supported languages to the tinymce textedtior

ROGO-2958 Remove flash code

ROGO-2872 Allow user accessibility options to control all elements on exam page

ROGO-2810 Initial refactor of Frequency and Discrimination Report

ROGO-2721 Refactor question html

ROGO-2606 Prevent data loss when a user is logged out due to inactivity then submits a form

New Feature

ROGO-2943 Access Rights Log

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