Building from source
When installing ExamSys from source you are likely to want several things:
You may also want some of the ExamSys plugins
Node.js (the recommended way on a development environment is to manage it via nvm, to allow you to change versions easily)
Install grunt-cli:
npm install -g grunt-cli
Building an installation
After you have checked out ExamSys you will need to run the following commands:
npm install
this will install many of the packages that are used by ExamSys.
To build all the JavaScript and CSS you will need to run:
Navigate to plugins/texteditor/plugin_tinymce_texteditor
then run
npm install
Building and install the TinyMCE plugins
Follow the instructions in the TinyMCE plugins to build them.
The built code should be placed inside plugins/texteditor/plugin_tinymce_texteditor/js/plugins
The Maths equation editor directory name should be: maths-equation-editor
The Ruby plugin directory name should be: ruby-annotation
From this point the normal installation instructions should work.
We have a docker environment that allows you to get setup for development quickly