Purpose: When not obtaining learning objectives from a VLE through an API Rogo can store objectives internally - this table is for this purpose.
Joins: modules and sessions table.

obj_idint(11)Primary Key 
objectivetextText of the objective itself 
idModint(11) unsignedPrimary Key - ID of the module the objectives are stored against 
identifierbigint(20) unsignedJoins with sessions table 
calendar_yearenum('2008/09','2009/10','2010/11','2011/12','2012/13','2013/14', '2014/15','2015/16','2016/17','2017/18','2018/19','2019/20')Primary Key - Academic year objectives pertain to 
sequenceint(11)What order the objectives are displayed on screen 

See also: Curriculum Map

The Information below is for an in development branch of Rogo

Purpose: When not obtaining learning objectives from a VLE through an API Rogo can store objectives internally - this table is for this purpose.

Version: 6.1

Joins: academic_yearmodules and sessions table.

obj_idint(11) PRIMARY KEY
objectivetextText of the objective itself 
idModint(11) unsignedID of the module the objectives are stored againstPRIMARY KEY
identifierbigint(20) unsignedJoins with sessions table 
calendar_yearint(4)Academic year the metadata applies to.PRIMARY KEY, FOREIGN KEY academic_year.calendar_year
sequenceint(11)What order the objectives are displayed on screen