Purpose: Holds module (course) information.
Joins: properties and objectives tables.
Field | Type | Purpose |
id | int(11) | Primary Key – auto increment. |
moduleid | char(25) | The ID of the module as assigned by the institution. |
fullname | text | The full name of the module |
active | tinyint(4) | 1=active, 0=inactive |
vle_api | varchar(255) | VLE API used to obtain learning outcomes |
checklist | varchar(255) | Summative exam checklist settings |
sms | varchar(255) | The management system the module is imported from NULL if none |
selfenroll | tinyint(4) | Can student self enroll on this module 1 is on 0 is off |
schoolid | int(11) | The ID of the school to which this module belongs from the schools table |
neg_marking | tinyint(1) | Enabel negative marking fro this module 1 is on 0 is off |
ebel_grid_template | int(11) | The id of the default ebel_grid_template for this module from the ebel_grid_templates table |
mod_deleted | datetime | When a module was deleted (NULL = module is still live). |
timed_exams | tinyint(4) | This switched on automatic exam timing for all summative papers in the module. |
exam_q_feedback | tinyint(4) | When checked this allows question-based feedback for summative exams. |
add_team_members | tinyint(4) | When on any member of staff already in the team can add/delete another member. |
map_level | smallint(2) | 0 = Session Level, 1 = Module Level |
academic_year_start | char(5) | MM/DD when a module changes into the next academic year. |