

Purpose: Stores pages for the student online help system.
Joins: users table.

idsmallint(6)Primary Key – auto increment.
titletextTitle of the help page
bodytextThe HTML text of the help page
body_plaintextPlain text version of 'body'. Used for searching.
typeenum('page','pointer')Type of page. Pointers are used to point to other pages.
checkout_timedatetimeDatetime when a page is checked out for editing
checkout_authorIDint(10) unsignedUser ID of the checkout user
deleteddatetimeDatetime the page was deleted. NULL means the page is still active
languagechar(5)6.0: Which language a page is written in.
articleidsmallint(6) unsigned6.0: Master ID for a page regardless of language.
lastupdatedtimestamp6.0: When a page was lasted edited.