Version Number

Version Number

Version 6.1 and below

To change the version number of Rogo three files must be changed:

/install/index.phpThis file writes the version number when Rogo is installed
/updates/version5.phpThis file changes the version number when Rogo is upgraded
/include/staff_student_auth.incThis is a safety check to make sure that a Rogo installation has been upgraded.

Version 6.1 and above

When creating a new version of rogo you need to update the version in the /config/rogo.xml file. This removes the need to update the version of rogo in 3 seperate files as in previous versions of Rogo.

<?xml version="1.0"?>

Once the upgrade / install script has been run this version number will also be present in /config/confing.inc.php (from 6.5.0 the version will be stored in the database rather than this file).