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Purpose: Parent record of a standard setting review session. See std_set_questions for table holding individual question ratings.
Joins: std_set_questions table.

idint(10) unsignedAuto increment ID field.
setterIDint(10) unsignedID of the current user logged in who is performing the review.
paperIDmediumint(8) unsignedID of the paper being reviewed.
std_setdatetimeDate the review was made.
methodenum('Modified Angoff','Angoff (Yes/No)','Ebel','Hofstee')What type of review is being used.
group_reviewtextYes or No - whether the standard setting review is by an individual or a group.
pass_scoredecimal(10,6)Caches the calculated pass mark (cut score) for easy retrieval.
distinction_scoredecimal(10,6)Caches the calculated distinction score for easy retrieval.

See also: StandardSetting

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