
This space is archived

For current information please use the current ExamSys documentation


Purpose: Holds responses for OSCE assessments.
Joins: users, papers, questions and log4 tables.

idint(8)Primary Key – auto increment.
userIDint(10) unsignedID of the user who's responses are being recorded.
starteddatetimeDatetime the assessment paper was started
q_papermediumint(8) unsignedID of the paper
overall_ratingtextThe marker's overall rating for the whole OSCE station (i.e. Fail, Borderline, Pass, etc)
numeric_scoreint(11)The numeric sum of all the individual ratings from log4
feedbacktextFree text feedback from the marker for the student
student_gradechar(25)What degree or programme of study the student is on
examinerIDmediumint(8) unsignedUser ID of the OSCE station marker
osce_typeenum('electronic','paper')Type of station (e.g. electronic or paper)
yeartinyint(4)Year of study for the current student