Internal Database

Internal Database


This allows authentication from an internal database table. And displays the forgotten password link on failed login. Also if the username exists but the password didn’t match and a later authentication does succeed then the password is re-encoded to match.

Config Options

Config OptionDescription
displayfailuremessagenumberif set is the number of times before displaying an error message rather than a login box.
continueonfailif set then this wont set the exit flag that indicates to exit after displaying the login error form
id_colis the column name of the userid
tableis the name of the table
username_colis the name of the column containing the username
passwd_colis the name of the column for containing the password
encrypt_saltis the encryption salt for the encryption of the stored passwords the salt starting $6$ indicates SHA-512 and $1$ indicates MD5. SHA-512 is recommended
donotupdatepasswordif is set and truethen the password update isn’t run

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