LDAP Lookup

LDAP Lookup


This allows user lookup from LDAP server.

Config Options

Config OptionDescription
overrideallsetThis is an array of keys & values that are set to be overriden regardless
overrridesetThis is an array of keys & values that are set to be overriden as long as it hasnt been set in calling object
ldap_serveris the ldap server name in php ldap convention
ldap_portis the optional ldap port of the server
ldap_set_optionany php ldap options can be specified in this via an array with the keyname as the parameter and the value as the value.
ldap_bind_rdnis the RDN used to authenticate (leave out if anonymous is wanted)
ldap_bind_passwordis the password associated with the bind RDN
ldap_search_dnis the base_dn of the search (if this is an array of multiple it should search them all)
ldap_user_prefixis the prefix for the username search eg sAMAccountName= but it could include other filter elements first in standard LDAP filter parameters
lowercasecompareconvert everything to lower case before comparing boolean
storeprependwhen storing all info in the lookupobject what should this module prepend the field names with
ldap_attributesan associative array of keys & values where the key is the ldap attribute name and the value is what it means for the lookup, there can be more than one key pointing to the same value

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