Unit testing

Unit testing

PHPUnit was added in version 7.1.0

How to install and run


  1. Do a normal install on the machine you wish to test on. 

  2. Create a phpunit.xml file in your config directory. It should contain the following settings:


    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <rogo> <db_database>phpunit_database_schema_name</db_database> <db_user>username</db_user> <db_password>password</db_password> <data>path_to_user_data_directory</data> <db_engine>The database table type you wish to run Rogo, it will default to the one your main Rogo site is installed on (optional)</db_engine> <db_help_engine>The database table type you wish to run the help system on, it will default to the one your main Rogo site is installed on (optional)</db_help_engine>  </rogo>


  3. Run the following script from the command line: testing/unittest/cli/init.php

Note for Windows users

You will need to install composer.phar into the root ExamSys directory manually from https://getcomposer.org/download/


Ensure the php module php_pdo_mysql is enabled

  1. Run the following command to run the test suite: vendor/bin/phpunit -c testing/unittest/config/phpunit.xml

If you are developing a patch that makes changes to the ExamSys database you will need to reinitialise your unit test database with the --clean option to ensure that it is in place.

php testing/unittest/cli/init.php --clean

Creating a unit test

All unit tests should be placed in the testing/unittest/tests directory of ExamSys.

The naming convention for the file is <classname>Test.php e.g. if we had a class example.class.php that would have a unit test exampleTest.php.

Writing a unit test

Carrying on the example from above the unit test itself would look like the following:

Example phpunit test
<?php // This file is part of ExamSys // // Rogō is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // Rogō is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with Rogō. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. use testing\unittest\unittestdatabase; /** * Test package description * * @author * @version * @copyright * @package tests */ class exampletest extends unittestdatabase { /** * Generate data for test. * @throws \testing\datagenerator\not_found */ public function datageneration() : void { // generate data with datagenerator functions } /** * Description of logical function tested * @group example */ public function test_example_logicalfunction() { // test something } }

All unit tests should extend the unittestdatabase class. This is so phpunit can set-up and tear-down the test database, as well as give the test access to the ExamSys config and database objects.

The group statement in the test_example phpdoc is useful when you only want to run tests on a specific part of ExamSys i.e. vendor/bin/phpunit --group example -c testing/unittest/config/phpunit.xml, would only run  the example unit tests.

Accessing the config object

In the test_example_logicalfunction if you wanted to access the ExamSys config object all you would have to do is use the $this->config variable.

Accessing the db object

In the test_example_logicalfunction to query the database you simply use the query function:

The function takes an array as a parameter:








table we are selecting from

table' => 'test'


order by columns

'orderby' => array('c2')


columns we are interested in

'columns' => array('c1','c2')


filter to apply - an array (column, value, operator)

'where' => array(array('column' => 'c2', 'value' => 1, 'operator' => '=')

The function returns a results array you can use the phpunit assertEquals fucntion to compare against an expected result set.

query function example
$querytable = $this->query(array('columns' => array('property_id', 'idMod'), 'table' => 'properties_modules')); // example result set [0 => [ 'property_id' => 1, 'idMod' => 2, ], [ 'property_id' => 2, 'idMod' => 4, ], ]

If you need to do more and wanted to access the ExamSys database object all you would have to do is use the $this->db variable.

Base Datasets

Default data is loaded into the test database on every test run. This is the minimum data required by ExamSys to function.

Datasets are implemented using YAML fixtures.

All base fixtures should be placed in the testing/fixtures/base directory of ExamSys.

For example in the below function the academic year 2016/17 is created along with enrolling the default student onto the default module in that academic year.

The default data generated by this dataset load can be access directly in unit tests with the following functions:



direct access in unit test



direct access in unit test


returns user data (an array) for the default admin user



returns user data (an array) for the default student user



returns user data (an array) for the default module



returns user data (an array) for the default faculty



returns user data (an array) for the default school


The internal ExamSys id can also be accessed for objects within the test database using the following functions:






get the id of the user


get the id of the module


get the id of the faculty


get the id of the school

The active user can be set using the following function:





set_active_user(id, state, impersonate)

id = the user id

state =


USEROBJECT_DEMO - user running in demo mode

USEROBJECT_IMPERSONATE - user is impersonating someone else

impersonate = the user id of the user to impersonate


Data Generation

Each unit tests must implement the datageneration function. Within this function additional data is loaded into the test database required by the test.

All data generators are in the testing/datagenerator/generator/core directory of ExamSys.

For example in the below function the academic year 2016/17 is created along with enrolling the default student onto the default module in that academic year.

Example datagenerator
/** * Generate data for test. * @throws \testing\datagenerator\not_found */ public function datageneration() : void { $datagenerator = $this->get_datagenerator('academic_year', 'core'); $datagenerator->create_academic_year(array('calendar_year' => 2016, 'academic_year' => '2016/17')); $datagenerator = $this->get_datagenerator('modules', 'core'); $datagenerator->create_enrolment(array('userid' => $this->student['id'], 'moduleid' => $this->module, 'calendar_year' => 2016)); }

When am I expected to write unit tests?

Whenever you submit a pull request for a bug fix or a new feature to the develop branch it is expected that you also submit the relevant unit tests.

Code coverage

If you are interested in running code coverage on your unit tests the following needs to be added to testing/unittest/config/phpunit.xml

<filter> <whitelist processUncoveredFilesFromWhitelist="true"> <directory suffix=".class.php">PATH TO DIRECTORY</directory> <file>PATH TO FILE</file> <exclude> <directory suffix=".class.php">PATH TO DIRECTORY</directory> <file>PATH TO FILE</file> </exclude> </whitelist> </filter> <logging> <log type="coverage-html" target="PATH TO REPORT"/> </logging>

Note this is not in the repository version so please do not submit it during a pull request.

Additional information



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