Development with Docker

This space is archived

For current information please use the current ExamSys documentation

Development with Docker

Not for production environments yet.



Docker Compose

ExamSys Docker


See the readme file in the ExamSys docker repository for full details.

Quick start

Start up the ExamSys docker containers

export EXAMSYS_DOCKER_WWWROOT=<path to examsys directory on host machine>
export EXAMSYS_DOCKER_MYSQLROOT=<mysql root password>
bash examsys-compose.sh up -d

Creating a settings.xml file in the config directory of $EXAMSYS_DOCKER_WWWROOT and run the command line installer via docker-compose.

docker-compose exec -T web php cli/init.php -u root -p $EXAMSYS_DOCKER_MYSQLROOT -s db -t 3306 -n rogo

ExamSys requires a number of NPM and Composer packages. The easiest way to install these is to install the unit test and behat test suites as these will do the work for you.

If you do not want to do that just yet, you can install NPM and Composer packages manually:

Installing Composer

Download the latest Composer phar file from https://getcomposer.org/download/ to the Rogō root directory and running the following command:

php composer.phar install

Installing NPM

ExamSys uses NPM (this is installed if you are using our Docker images)

NPM itself is installed in the docker image. To install the packages run:


npm install 


cd plugins/texteditor/plugin_tinymce_texteditor
npm install

TinyMCE plugins

If you want to use our ruby annotation and maths equation editor in develop please see install instructions at



The desired location for tinymce plugins in ExamSys is at plugins/texteditor/plugin_tinymce_texteditor/js/plugins

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