This space is archived
For current information please use the current ExamSys documentation
Developing with TinyMCE
As outlines in Rogo include two TinyMCE plugins; the maths equation editor and the ruby annotator.
Both of these are provided built in a rogo release.
Instructions for development
If you want to make changes you will need to download the separate plugin repos and build them.
Checkout the required repo
See documentation for more information about creating plugins
See documentation for more information about creating icon packs
If you make any changes:
yarn build
to create dist directoryCopy dist/<plugin name> into /plugins/texteditor/plugin_tinymce_texteditor/js/plugins/ to test changes locally
Submit changes to plugin repo (not core rogo)
please update version.txt
please update CHANGELOG.txt
Once a new version is finalised an artifact of the dist dir should be place on the corresponding downloads page in bitbucket for the plugin