Ebel Grid Templates

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Ebel Grid Templates


Ebel's Grid is a standard setting methodology popular with medicine courses.  The examining panel rates questions on a 3 x 3 grid.  The first axis measures the importance of the question:  is it essential, important or acceptable (nice to know)?  The second axis  relates to the difficulty of the question:  easy, medium or hard.  Standard setters then rate questions on the grid.  An algorithm computes the pass mark.  A predominance of 'easy, essential' questions pushes up the pass mark, whereas 'hard, acceptable' questions pushes down the mark.  

The Ebel Grid Template screen allows users to create templates for this grid.  Standard setters can then use the templates for specific examinations.

The screen shows a list of grids currently available and links for Create new Grid, Edit Grid and Delete Grid on the sidebar.  

Create new Grid

Clicking this link displays the Ebel's Grid template screen.  You should supply a unique name for the template.  

Below there are two grids:   the upper specifies the percentage of each class of question that a borderline candidate is expected to get.  The lower specifies the percentages for a distinction candidate.

You should supply percentages by clicking on the drop-downs in each grid cell:  percentages should decrease from top to bottom and left to right.

Generally only the upper grid is used.

Edit Grid

This function is practically identical to the previous function, except that it requires that you select a grid template first.

Delete Grid

Selecting a grid template and clicking this will delete the selected grid, after you have confirmed the operation.

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