Lookup Object

Lookup Object


This object is the lookup stack


_construct(&$configObj, &$db):: This is the constructor for the class 1. Config Object 1. Mysqli Database

get_instance():: Gets the static copy of this object.

load_config():: loads the authetnication stack config into object

register_callback_section($section):: registers new callback sections 1. section is an array of new callback sections to register

register_callback($callback, $section, $number, $name, $insert = false):: registers new callbacks 1. the function to register 1. the callback section to register it under 1. the number of the plugin its from 1. the name of the plugin its from 1. if it should be inserted at the beginning

get_callback($section):: gets the callbacks for the section 1. the callback section

[=#userlookup]userlookup($data):: does a user lookup of the data supplied 1. the data to use to lookup the user

append_auth_object_debug($number, $desc = ):: appends the debug from the plugin choosen. 1. the plugin number 1. the description to tag it with

display_debug():: displays the debug

debug_to_string():: returns the debug as a string

get_auth_obj(&$getauth):: returns the user object. 1. the Authentication Get Auth Object if not set will try and fill in.

version_info($formatted = false, $advanced = false):: returns information on authentication stack 1. if this should be formatted 1. if this is the advanced view


private $db:: the database object

private $configObj:: the config object

private $config:: the config

public $returndata:: array of return data from plugins

public $debug:: debug array

public $authPluginObj:: array of plugin objects

private $callbackregister:: the list of callbacks

private $callbackregisterdata:: data about the callbacks

public $lookupinfo:: info on the authentication

public $impliments_api_auth_version = 1:: the verison of the api this class supports from plugins

public $callbacktypes = array('init', 'preuserlookup', 'userlookup', 'userlookup', 'postuserlookup', 'usertranslatelookup'):: the list of callback types

public $initobj, $lookupuserobj, $preauthobj, $userlookupobj, $postauthobj, $postauthsuccesobj, $postauthfailobj, $displaystdformobj, $displayerrformobj, $getauthobj, $sessionstoreobj:: the callback objects

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