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Class Totals (Excel 2003)
From 6.4.0:
Report now disabled if there are unmarked questions.
Creates an Excel dump of the Class Totals Report. It creates a workbook named after the title of the paper with underscores replacing spaces. So A14ACE 2013/14 Feb Paper 1 would create a workbook named A14ACE_2013_14_Feb_Paper_1_CT.xml-2.xls.
Each workbook contains two worksheets:
Displays performance by each student. Fields included are:
- Title
- Surname
- First Names
- Student ID (formatted as text)
- Username
- Course code
- Module
- Mark (total mark, red for fail, green for distinction, black for pass)
- Adjusted %
- Classification: Pass, Fail, Distinction
- Rank
- Decile
- Start Time
- Duration
- IP Address
- Room
Summary of overall performance on the examination. Most fields are self-explanatory.
The following fields need some more explanation:
- SS
- SS Distinction
Both these fields deal with standard setting. SS refers to the adjusted pass mark which will only apply of standard setting is used.
- Excluded Questions
If examiners have decided to exclude questions, then this will list those questions.