Qualitative Analysis

This space is archived

For current information please use the current ExamSys documentation

Qualitative Analysis


Differs from the Quantitative Report by reporting on feedback from individuals.  People enter specific feedback into textboxes, and the report extracts this and summarises it.  


Select a report, click the Reports link and select one of the two Qualitative Analysis formats, XHTML or Word:

Once you have done this, you select the date  range and click the format to be displayed - XHTML or Word 2003.  

The report simply summarizes the responses to each question as a bulleted list.  It makes no attempt to interpret the text:  this is left to the reader.  What it does do is provide a keyword-highlighting facility:  you can see that the user has typed in 'practice' here and is being directed to occurrences of the word in the text:

The Collapse option hides those topics which do not contain the keyword: