
This space is archived

For current information please use the current ExamSys documentation


Setting up a Rogo development environment

  1. Fork the rogoOSS repository.
  2. Checkout the develop branch
  3. build libraries

    php composer.phar install
    npm install
  4. build js/css with grunt

  5. See Rogo Docker for instructions on how to get Rogo running on your development environment. Or if you prefer Rogo Vagrant.

Contributing to the project is simple.

  1. Create a ticket in the issue tracker.

    Security Issues

    When raising issues with security please remember to set the Security Level to 'Security Issue'. These tickets are only visible to the issue reporter and the University of Nottingham.

  2. Branch off your develop branch using the ticket id in the branch name i.e. hotfix/ROGO-1490
  3. Make your changes and commit to your new branch (enter the issue tracker id into the commit message i.e. "ROGO-1490 event not defined for preventDefault").
  4. Comply with the coding standards
  5. Submit a pull request to the rogoOSS repository (develop branch).
    1. Large amounts of code are much more complicated and time consuming to review so where ever possible large changes should be split into multiple smaller logical parts

  6. After a code review your contribution will be merged into the develop branch and scheduled for a release.

Once your changes have passed review it would be of great help if you could contribute some documentation if applicable in the  Functional Specification and/or System Documentation areas. You will need permissions to do this so plase ask for them in the issue you raised in the above steps.

Developer help:


If you would like to contribute to translating rogo please visit our Crowdin site.

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