Exam Timing

Exam Timing


Exams are generally under invigilator control:  the invigilator calls the start and end of the exam.  These are untimed exams.

Timed summative exams are under the control of Rogo. Exam timing is switched on or off through Module settings and will apply to all summative exams within that module.  You cannot set timing on an exam-by-exam basis. Time summative examinations have a common end time for all candidates.

Once the end time has been reached, Rogo will save all the students' responses.  Students will not be able to restart the exam. 

End-times apply per lab:  if an exam has experienced delays in one lab and the end-time has been extended, then other labs will not be affected.

Invigilators can extend the end time for entire labs or for individual candidates.

Formative Assessments, Progress Tests and Remote Summatives

Timed tests do not have a common end time.  The clock starts ticking when the student decides to sit the test, and stops when the time is exhausted.  After the end time, the student will be alerted that the test is over, and then they will be taken to the 'thank you' screen.