Extended Matching Specification

Extended Matching Specification


Extended matching questions are used in medical examinations.  Rogo presents multiple questions and/or  scenarios around a common theme.  The candidate has to match each stem to an answer.  The set of answers is constrained and shared between every stem within the main question itself.  More answers than stems may be specified.  


The extended matching question follows the standard preamble as the dichotomous question type, and also offers the most of its marking options:

  • Option Order: Display OrderAlphabetic or Random.  The first option displays the stems as entered originally, the second sorts them and the last randomizes them.
  • Marking Method: Mark per Question or Mark per Option.  The former requires that all stem be answered correctly before awarding a mark.  The latter awards a mark for each stem answered.  The Marks if Correct default to 1, but may be set up to 20.  The Marks if Incorrect default to zero but may be set down to -10.

General Feedback  is not provided.  Feedback is only available on each stem 


Each stem is presented to the setter as Scenario I, Scenario ii etc.  The stem supports the following fields:

  • Stem:  a rich-text description of the scenario
  • Change Media:  allows a picture or graphic to be uploaded
  • Feedback:  plain text feedback on the question
  • Correct answers:  choose one or more from a list of options (see later)

This shows a typical scenario:


In this case, two options can satisfy the answer:  the student will be expected to match both.

Scenarios can be added by clicking the Add More Options... button.


These appear on the right-hand side of the question page.  One can supply up to 26 options.  Starred options indicate those which must be supplied: the more scenarios that vthe setter adds, the more options must be provided.

Completing the Question

The student sees the question presented as follows:  the lead-in, followed by all the options, then followed by each scenario:

The student is expected to chose more than one option for the first scenario, but only one for the second.  3 marks are awarded in total as the first stem awards two marks for a correct answer.



Marks are awarded for the whole question only if each and every scenario has been correctly answered, in the case of Marks per Question.  Marks per Option will award correct marks for each option chosen.

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