Matrix Specification

Matrix Specification


Matrix questions are very similar to Extended Matching questions.  Rogo provides a set of possible options and answers for each stem.  The difference is in presentation:  stems are  organized as rows and possible answers as columns of a matrix. Students indicate answers by clicking on radio buttons in cells.

Setters can opt for Mark per Option or Mark per Question marking.  


Matrix questions support the standard preamble and postamble when composing.  

The distinguishing feature is the matrix.  The Options section of the screen shows  a 10 x 10 matrix.  The setter enters the stems to be answered as row headers, and the possible answers as question headers.  Setters indicate correct answers as a student would, by clicking on radio buttons. It is not possible to create multiple-option responses.  The following matrix asks the student to identify types of chemical reaction.


Completing the Exam

The student sees the matrix as defined above.  They click on each cell to indicate the correct answer.


Marks are either allocated per question or per option, as described above.

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