Multiple Response Specification

Multiple Response Specification


Multiple response questions are an elaboration of multiple choice questions.  Instead of radio buttons, students tick or untick checkboxes associated with options, meaning that more than one option can be ticked.   

If the student selects more options than have been set, and the mark is awarded per option as opposed to per question, then the student will get a warning telling them they have selected too many options.

If marks are awarded per question, the student gets no immediate feedback as to how many options they have selected.

Pre Exam

The question type strongly resembles the dichotomous question type in the additional fields that it supports.  These are:

    • Presentation:   A checkbox which indicates whether an 'other' option (+ textbox) is displayed.  Used in surveys
    • Option Order: Display OrderAlphabetic or Random.  The first option displays the stems as entered originally, the second sorts them and the last randomizes them.
    • Marking Method: Mark per Question or Mark per Option.  The former requires that all stems be answered correctly before awarding a mark.  The latter awards a mark for each stem answered.  The Marks if Correct default to 1, but may be set up to 20.  The Marks if Incorrect default to zero but may be set down to -10.
    • General Feedback:  Text to be displayed as candidate feedback when appropriate


Up to 20 options may be allocated to the question.  Each option has the following fields:

  • Option:  The text to be displayed
  • Change Media: Allows a graphic to be loaded
  • Feedback if Correct: What the student sees if the stem is answered correctly
  • Feedback if Incorrect:  What the student sees if the stem is answered incorrectly 
  • Answer: A checkbox which should be ticked or unticked.

Completing the Question

The student simply ticks those boxes that he thinks fit the question :


If the mark is per option, then selecting too many options will display a warning message.  

Mark per Question should be used when you do no want the student to know how many options are correct.

Post Exam


Mark are awarded per option or per question.  In the above case, the student has correct and incorrectly chose one option each:

If negative marking is being used then scores for incorrect answers will subtract from correct answers on an option basis.  

Mark per question awards a correct mark only when all answers are correct.  

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