This space is archived
For current information please use the current ExamSys documentation
Purpose: Holds default Ebel grid values in named templates.
Joins: modules table.
Field | Type | Purpose |
id | int(11) | Primary Key – auto increment. |
EE | tinyint(4) | Easy/Essential percentage |
EI | tinyint(4) | Easy/Important percentage |
EN | tinyint(4) | Easy/Nice to Know percentage |
ME | tinyint(4) | Medium/Essential percentage |
MI | tinyint(4) | Medium/Important percentage |
MN | tinyint(4) | Medium/Nice to Know percentage |
HE | tinyint(4) | Hard/Essential percentage |
HI | tinyint(4) | Hard/Important percentage |
HN | tinyint(4) | Hard/Nice to Know percentage |
EE2 | tinyint(4) | Easy/Essential percentage (distinction grid) |
EI2 | tinyint(4) | Easy/Important percentage (distinction grid) |
EN2 | tinyint(4) | Easy/Nice to Know percentage (distinction grid) |
ME2 | tinyint(4) | Medium/Essential percentage (distinction grid) |
MI2 | tinyint(4) | Medium/Important percentage (distinction grid) |
MN2 | tinyint(4) | Medium/Nice to Know percentage (distinction grid) |
HE2 | tinyint(4) | Hard/Essential percentage (distinction grid) |
HI2 | tinyint(4) | Hard/Important percentage (distinction grid) |
HN2 | tinyint(4) | Hard/Nice to Know percentage (distinction grid) |
name | varchar(255) | Title of the template (distinction grid) |
See also: Standard Setting