Installing the Application (pre 7)

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Installing the Application (pre 7)

ROGO 6.5.0

Below is a guide on how to install the latest version of Rogō.

We do not have a dedicated support team. As such we can only supply advice on the latest version of Rogō please see steps to upgrade to the latest version here.


  1. Web Server Setup
  2. Database Setup

Application installation via command line:

Please see Command Line Install/Update.

Application installation via web browser:

  1. Download and unpack the latest version of Rogō into your web root directory.
  2. In a browser navigate to the /install path of Rogō .
  3. Rogō will now check that your system meets some minumum requirements:
    1. If any requirements are not met you will not be able to proceed with installation until they are resolved.
       Click to get more information on common requirement issues

      Installing composer

      A common requirement issue is failure to install composer.

      You can do this manually by downloading the latest from https://getcomposer.org/download/ to the Rogō root directory and running the following command:

      php composer.phar install --no-dev

      Installing npm

      Another common requirement issue is failure to install npm.

      You can do this manually by downloading the latest from https://nodejs.org/en/download/ and following the install instructions for your operating system. And then running the following from the Rogō root directory:

      npm install --production
    2. Once requirements are met you will be able to proceed to the installation screen.
  4. On the installation screen you can set the following system settings:
     Click to get more information on settings
    SettingDescriptionDefault value
    Company NameThe name of the organisation that is running the exam system.University of
    Server Settings
    WebServer hostLocation of webserver. The defauilt value should not need to be changed in most cases.
    Rogō data directoryLocation of datastore for Rogō to use. The default value is fine for test systems. However, it is advised that the sys admin choses a location outside of the webserver directory on a production system for security and to make the update process more seamless.<Rogō install directory>
    Temp DirectoryLocation of system temp directory. Default is the linux temp directory, other operating system users will need to adjust accordingly./tmp/
    Database Settings
    DB UsernameThe database user that is to be used to create the Rogō database.
    DB PasswordThe password for the above user.
    Database hostLocation of database server . The defauilt value should not need to be changed in most cases.
    Database portPort the database server is accepting connections on. The defauilt value should not need to be changed in most cases.3306
    Database NameA name for the database.rogo
    Main Database EngineThe database engine type. The defauilt value should not need to be changed in most cases.InnoDB
    Help Database EngineThe help system database engine type. The defauilt value should not need to be changed in most cases.MyISAM
    Basepart of usernamePrefix to use on database tables.rogo
    Date/Time Settings
    Date (MySQL)Dates displayed in Rogō can be localised to the regions common practice. This setting is the date format returned by the database. The defauilt value should not need to be changed in most cases.%d/%m/%y
    Long Date (MySQL)Long Dates displayed in Rogō can be localised to the regions common practice. This setting is the date format  returned by the database. The defauilt value should not need to be changed in most cases.%d/%m/%Y
    Long Date/Time (MySQL)Long Date/Time displayed in Rogō can be localised to the regions common practice. This setting is the datetime format  returned by the database. The defauilt value should not need to be changed in most cases.%d/%m/%Y %H:%i
    Short Date/Time (MySQL)Date/Time displayed in Rogō can be localised to the regions common practice. This setting is the datetime format  returned by the database. The defauilt value should not need to be changed in most cases.%d/%m/%y %H:%i
    Long date (PHP)Long Dates displayed in Rogō can be localised to the regions common practice. This setting is the date format returned by the application. The defauilt value should not need to be changed in most cases.d/m/Y
    Short date (PHP)Dates displayed in Rogō can be localised to the regions common practice. This setting is the date format  returned by the application. The defauilt value should not need to be changed in most cases.d/m/y
    Long time (PHP)Long Date/Time displayed in Rogō can be localised to the regions common practice. This setting is the time format returned by the application. The defauilt value should not need to be changed in most cases.H:i:s
    Short time (PHP)Date/Time displayed in Rogō can be localised to the regions common practice. This setting is the time format returned by the application. The defauilt value should not need to be changed in most cases.H:i
    Search results lead-in lengthThe length (in characters) of the question lead-in to display in the result set of a question search. The defauilt value should not need to be changed in most cases.160
    Current TimezoneThe timezone the application should use.<php timezone setting>
    Allow via LTIEnable login via LTI.Enabled
    Internal databaseEnable login via application database.Enabled
    Guest log inAllow guest user account login. Used by students during exams when they have forgotten there university username/password.Enabled
    User impersonationAllow sys admins to impersonate other users. This is helpful when trying to recreate user issues.Enabled
    Use LDAPEnable login via LDAP. Enabling will open up the server settings for the LDAP server you wish Rogō to authentiacte against.Disabled.
    Lookup Data (See more information on lookup data here)
    Use LDAPEnable data lookup via LDAP. Enabling will open up the server settings for the LDAP server you wish Rogō to lookup against.


    Use XMLEnable the use of custom XML based data lookup service. Additional manual configuration in the config file will also be required.Disabled.
    Sys admin user
    Rogo sys admin userPlease provide details for a sys admin account. This user will be the intial user you will use to set up Rogō .
    Rogō Help Database
    Load HelpLoad the default help system database data on install. Unless you intend to write the help files from scratch it is recommned this setting remains enabled.Enabled
    Summative Exam
    Lab Securitylock summative exams by ipaddress or hostname. This helps to restirct access to sumamtive exams to only the desired cohort.ip address
    Email AddressComma seperated list of supprt email addresses displayed to users when they encounter an error.
    Contact NumberA maximum of 3 name/number contacts displayed on the invigilator screen.
  5. Once installed, a log of the process will be shown highlighting any issues.

    1. A list of common causes of installation errors is available here.
  6. If installation was succesful (no fatal errors) you will be given the option to navigate to the configuration screen to complete more advanced settings.

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