Configuration Screen

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For current information please use the current ExamSys documentation

Configuration Screen

ROGO 6.2.0

Sys admins can edit configuration settings from the admin section of Rogo my clicking on the configuration button.

Some settings can only be chagned via he configuration file.

Configurable settings

System Settings

namedescriptiondefault value
system_maintenance_modeRestricts access to the system to sysadmin users.Disabled
The Month/Day when the academic year changes (The system will use the current year from the system clock)07/01

How machines are evaluated for summative exam access:

  • 'ipaddress' use the machines ip address
  • 'name' looks up the name of the machine from its ip address
system_install_typeInsallation type i.e. test (leave blank for production system)
system_password_expireLifetime (days) of internal database login
system_mediatypesMedia types that can be uploaded to rogo (pre exisitng medai will stil be displayed)


gif, jpeg, png, docx, pptx, xlsx, pdf,  mp3, wav, mp4


pdb, ply, obj, mtl, dds, zip, avi, mpeg, mov, mid, ram

system_maxmediasizeMax size (in bytes) that a media file that can be uploaded to Rogo20971520
system_recover_postdata (From Rogo 7.4) Attempt to recover POST data if session expired and user redirected to login screenDisabled
system_user_accessibility (From Rogo 7.4)Enable/Disable students being able to set their own user settingsDisabled


namedescriptiondefault value
The length in characters of the question preview tooltip on the question search and paper detail screens160
Name of organisationUniversity of
misc_dictionary_fileLocation of dictionary file used to generate random passwords
misc_logo_emailName of image file used as email logoalt_logo.png
Name of image file used as website logologo.png


namedescriptiondefault value
enable or disable Rogo API (used by external systems to integrate with Rogo)Enabled

Users are supplied with access tokens in order to communicate with Rogo via the API. These have a lifetime in seconds.


Should Rogo provide a refresh token when responding to requests.

Refresh tokens can be used to generate a new access token before end of life so users have uninterrupted access.

The above refresh tokens also have a lifetime in seconds.120960
api_allow_superuserAllow super user that can access any external system.Disabled
 Location of API log file

Calculation Questions

namedescriptiondefault value

Name of calculation question engine

  • Rrserve (use the R stat program to calculate answers)
  • phpEval (use inbuilt php math functions to calculate answers)

Settings for calculation engine (applicable to Rrserve only)

  • host - R server hostname
  • port - R server port
  • timeout - in seconds
  • localhost
  • 6311
  • 5


namedescriptiondefault value
enable or disable gradebook functionality within Rogo. If enabled users can finalise the marks for summative and osce papers and publish them to external systems.Enabled

IMS Enterprise

namedescriptiondefault value
enable or disable the IMS Enterprise Import functionality within Rogo.Disabled

LTI Integration

namedescriptiondefault value