LDAP Login
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LDAP Login
This allows user authentication from LDAP server.
Config Options
Config Option | Description |
id_col | is the column name of the userid |
table | is the name of the table |
username_col | is the name of the column containing the username |
displayfailuremessagenumber | if set is the number of times before displaying an error message rather than a login box. |
continueonfail | if set then this wont set the exit flag that indicates to exit after displaying the login error form |
ldap_server | is the ldap server name in php ldap convention |
ldap_port | is the optional ldap port of the server |
ldap_set_option | any php ldap options can be specified in this via an array with the keyname as the parameter and the value as the value. |
ldap_bind_rdn | is the RDN used to authenticate (leave out if anonymous is wanted) |
ldap_bind_password | is the password associated with the bind RDN |
ldap_search_dn | is the base_dn of the search (if this is an array of multiple it should search them all) |
ldap_user_prefix | is the prefix for the username search eg sAMAccountName= but it could include other filter elements first in standard LDAP filter parameters (using a query with multiple values will also require that ldap_user_postfix is set) |
ldap_user_postfix | Is appended after the username it allows you to form a more complicated LDAP search for the username. Rogo 7.1.0 + |
sql_extra | any extra parameters on the sql user lookup (appended after the where statement so more filter requirements would require an AND to start) |
disable_ldapmissing | if set and true then Rogo will not attempt to create a an account if it successfully finds and binds as a user on ldap but cant find the user in Rogo. Default: false |
search_field | is used as the field that the username gets put in for a search for missing user. It should be the name of a field in the Rogo users table. Default: username |
enable_fudgecreateuser | If set to true and a user authenticates successfully but did not have an account in the table configured for the plugin it will create a record. Note this setting should only be used if LDAP is not using the Rogo users table to lookup users in the database. It could be useful in cases where a single Rogo user could have multiple usernames in LDAP. It requires that disable_ldapmissing is set to false. Default: false |