The Administrative Tools page organizes the main Administrative functions:
From Rogo 6.0.4 the The order and number of menu items can be configured by the system administrator.
Tool Name | Purpose |
Access Audit | Coming in Rogo 7.4.0. Review user role permission grants and removals. |
Academic Sessions | Manage academic sessions |
OAuth Authentication | Manage API authentication |
Bug Reporting | Navigates to https://rogo-eassessment.atlassian.net. You can report a bug in this tool. |
Calendar | Automatically generated calendar of summative exams. |
Clear Guest Accounts | If a student has reserved a guest account but has not used it, these can be cleared down from this page |
Clear Old Logs | Archives formative and progress test records of graduated students |
Clear Orphan Media | Searches for unused media files and deletes them |
Clear Training | Clears out any training work carried out by the Training Team in the Training Module |
Computer Labs | Organizes the list of IP addresses associated with specific computer labs. Restrict access to examinations through these lists. Academics can then specify which lab is being used for which examination. |
Courses | Manages courses in Rogo. |
Denied Log Warning | List of any 'access denied' warnings |
Ebel Grid Templates | Manages the Ebel Grid templates for Standard Setting |
Faculties | Manages Faculties |
LTI Keys | Learning Tools Interoperability Keys are trusted tokens exchanged between learning systems. This manages the keys that they trust. |
Modules | Manages modules. Modules reside within schools. |
News & Announcements | Puts notices on the staff and/or student homepage for Rogo. Used mainly for notifying both about server updates. |
Optimize Tables | System maintenance function: select database tables to optimize. |
Question Statuses | Lists and maintains category codes for question statuses. Does not manage the actual status of a question itself. |
Save Fail Attempts | Rogo uses AJAX to save student answers. In the event of a failure these are captured client-side and then stored in the Rogo database when a network connection can be made. |
Schools | Lists and manages schools as part of Faculties |
Statistics | Links to the Statistics Reports |
Summative Exam Scheduling | Exams Office use this to schedule summative examinations |
System Errors | Lists automatically trapped errors. |
System Information | Information about database tables, Rogo version, servers. |
Testing | Links to menu of test scripts |
User Management | Search interface for Rogo users, with standard management functions. |