Manage Courses

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For current information please use the current ExamSys documentation

Manage Courses


Rogo Courses are degree programmes.  The Courses screen provides a simply way of managing the list of courses known to Rogo.

User Interface

Rogo presents a simple three column table of courses, organised by Code, Name and School.  Clicking a column header will sort the table accordingly:  clicking it twice will reverse the sort order.

You can select only single list items, by clicking on them. Selections must be made before editing or deleting courses.


Creating a course

Click the Create new Course link on the sidebar.  You should then supply the course's Code, Name and School to the following screen:

The course code should be unique, as should the name within the school.

Bulk Course Import

Click Bulk Course Import to create many courses from a CSV file.  The CSV file should have a header row consisting of "Course ID", "Name" and "School".  No fields in subsequent rows should be left blank.

Deleting a Course

Select a Course by clicking on its list entry, then click Delete Course.  You will be asked to confirm your action