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To manage Rogo, you need to be a System Administrator.  You access the User tools by clicking  on the Administrative Tools link.

The Administrative Tools page organizes the main Administrative functions:

From Rogo 6.0.4 the order and number of menu items can be configured by the system administrator.


Tool Name
Bug ReportingNavigates to You can report a bug in this tool.
CalendarAutomatically generated calendar of summative exams.
Clear Guest AccountsIf a student has reserved a guest account but has not used it, these can be cleared down from this page
Clear Old LogsArchives formative and progress test records of graduated students
Clear Orphan MediaSearches for unused media files and deletes them
Clear TrainingClears out any training work carried out by the Training Team in the Training Module
Computer LabsOrganizes the list of IP addresses associated with specific computer labs. Restrict access to examinations through these lists. Academics can then specify which lab is being used for which examination.
CoursesManages courses in Rogo.
Denied Log WarningList of any 'access denied' warnings
Ebel Grid TemplatesManages the Ebel Grid templates for Standard Setting
FacultiesManages Faculties
LTI KeysLearning Tools Interoperability Keys are trusted tokens exchanged between learning systems. This manages the keys that they trust.
ModulesManages modules. Modules reside within schools.
News & AnnouncementsPuts notices on the staff and/or student homepage for Rogo. Used mainly for notifying both about server updates.
Optimize TablesSystem maintenance function: select database tables to optimize.
Question StatusesLists and maintains category codes for question statuses. Does not manage the actual status of a question itself.
Save Fail AttemptsRogo uses AJAX to save student answers. In the event of a failure these are captured client-side and then stored in the Rogo database when a network connection can be made.
SchoolsLists and manages schools as part of Faculties
StatisticsLinks to the Statistics Reports
Summative Exam SchedulingExams Office use this to schedule summative examinations
System ErrorsLists automatically trapped errors.
System InformationInformation about database tables, Rogo version, servers.
TestingLinks to menu of test scripts
User ManagementSearch interface for Rogo users, with standard management functions.
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